Efeitos - Ação Zoom e Desfoque de Efeito

Efeitos - Ação Zoom e Desfoque de Efeito

1.412 visualizações 43 downloads


  • Categoria: Photoshop
  • Autores: Steve Patterson
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 5
  • Data de Inclusão: 15/05/2016
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 1.872 KB

In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to add some action and a sense of motion to a photo with a zoom blur effect. We’ll use Photoshop’s Radial Blur filter to add the initial blurring, then we’ll bring back some of the original image using a layer mask and the Gradient Tool. Not only is this a great (and popular) way to help bring an image to life, but the entire effect can be completed in less than five minutes once you’re comfortable with the steps.

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