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Welcome to the wonderful world of Photoshop. This tutorial covers the basics of how to use Photoshop to work with your digital images. The intent of this tutorial is to introduces you to the concepts at work in Photoshop, the best way to develop your skills is to experiment with the programs. This first page will point out some of the features of the Photoshop interface and define a few terms I'll use throughout the tutorial. The first step, of course, is to open the application. In the IT lab, you can find Photoshop in the folder marked Adobe in the programs menu (from the start menu). It may also be located in a start menu folder called Graphics. Once you have opened the application (after a few moments of loading time), the Photoshop interface will appear. There are many complex elements of the interface, and for reasons of both saving space in this tutorial and keeping things basic, I’ll only show you the toolbars and options panes you need to perform the most basic tasks in Photoshop. If you ever notice that some of these elements are missing, simply go to the window menu and select them.
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