There's No Pulpit Like Home (Time Magazine, March 2006)

There's No Pulpit Like Home (Time Magazine, March 2006)

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  • Categoria: Diversos
  • Autores: David Van Biema, Rita Healy
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 3
  • Data de Inclusão: 08/12/2016
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 219 KB

On a Sunday at their modest, gray ranch house in the Denver suburb of Englewood, Tim and Jeanine Pynes gather with four other Christians for an evening of fellowship, food and faith. Jeanine's spicy rigatoni precedes a yogurt-and-wafer confection by Ann Moore, none of the food violating the group's solemn commitment to Weight Watchers. The participants, who have pooled resources for baby sitting, discuss a planned missionary trip and sing along with a CD by the Christian crossover group Sixpence None the Richer. One of the lyrics, presumably written in Jesus' voice, runs, "I'm here, I'm closer than your breath/ I've conquered even death." That leads to earnest discussion of a friend's suicide, which flows into an exercise in which each participant brings something to the table--a personal issue, a faith question--and the group offers talk and prayer. Its members read from the New Testament's Epistle to the Hebrews, observe a mindful silence and share a hymn.

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