O Photoshop é um programa da empresa Adobe Systems e a sua principal característica é a de ser um editor de imagens, com capacidade para manipular os vetores. A versão atual é denominada Creative S...
Jedna od osnovnih operacija koja se koristi u svakoj aplikaciji za digitalnu obradu slika i crteža je selekcija. Problem sa selekcijom je to što se gubi cim uklonimo okvir za izbor. Jedini nacin da...
Una de las funcionas más básicas de cualquier editor gráfico es el poder ajustar tanto las densidades como el color. Todos los que hemos usado una cámara digital o un escaner, nos vemos en la neces...
Adobe Photoshop es un programa de diseño y edición de imágenes elaborado por la compañía adobe system. Se lanzó originalmente para computadoras Apple, pero luego saltó a la plataforma Windows. Actu...
Learning how to select areas of an image is of primary importance when working with Adobe® Photoshop® — you must first select what you want to affect. Once you’ve made a selection, only the area wi...
We’ll briefly demonstrate a very simple example of Photoshop’s ability to create interesting images entirely from scratch, rather than merely editing existing image material. We’ll be creating a co...
A few days ago, I decided to make a special present for my girlfriend. I also thought this technique could be used by others that have the same plan, so here it goes. I will teach you some nice tec...
The MATLAB files in this folder create a Photoshop Toolbox in MATLAB. This toolbox creates an easy to use workflow for scientist and researchers using MATLAB and Photoshop in combination. This is a...