Utilizei alguns artigos da Internet, de livros, e do meu conhecimento próprio para montar este resumo, de forma que ficasse abrangente e de fácil leitura mas não muito profundo e técnico. As bateri...

Microphone technique is largely a matter of personal taste — whatever method sounds right for the particular instrument, musician, and song is right. There is no one ideal microphone to use on any ...

The drum sound is the backbone of any mix. The bass drum keeps the pulse going, the snare drives the rhythm forward and the feel of the drum beat is what gives the song its groove

You will need the equivalent of the basic acoustic drum sounds (see two previous pages), so a set of three or four pads will be necessary in place of the corresponding acoustic drums. Cords are plu...

Drum and bass developed from rave in the early ‘90s. As producers sped up tempos and began to use sampled breakbeats and heavier basslines (often generated from the Roland TB-303 bass synth) hardco...

É um instrumento de observação cuja construção só foi possível ao longo de 20 anos de convivência dinâmica com inúmeros casos clínicos.

One of the cornerstones of Zen Guitar is that, as we are unique people, so will our experience with the guitar be unique. Each person discovers his or her own way. In my experience, the practice of...

The tension of natural skin drum heads will vary with changes in temperature and humidity. Hot or dry conditions will cause a drum head to tighten up. Cool or moist conditions will cause it to loos...

Background: The job of Drum Major is the highest leadership position in all the band ensembles. The Drum Major is chosen by the Director and leads the band during his senior year (usually). He is t...

Doesn’t the book of Psalms permit drums and dancing in the church? Didn’t David dance? Let’s take a closer look at the texts that address these issues.

DRUM ESSENTIALS Method Book Metronome (for keeping the beat during practice) Music Stand Rudiment Book Manuscript Book Sticks/Mallets

When performing big band music, the drummer is at the helm, providing the feel, groove, and pulse that make the musicians on the bandstand comfortable and inspired to play. To accomplish this, you ...

The phenomenal advances in integrated drum machines and sample-based drum sources controlled by sequencers mean that few of us bother recording real drum kits any more. However, there are still a l...

Conhecido por fazer parte da banda do programa de calouros Raul Gil, é um baterista versátil e carismático, que conduz com maestria a cozinha para os calouros que se apresentam. Começou na bateria ...

Um estudo de caso relacionando as principais teorias da motivação com o filme Whisplash

You see two cardboard boxes in front of you. For reasons of transportation your drum set has been delivered dismantled into single parts. Don‘t worry, by means of the following instructions we will...