Lição de Bateria

Lição de Bateria

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  • Categoria: Bateria
  • Assuntos: Bateria, Drums, Escalas, Jazz, Lição de Bateria, Pedal, Ritmo, Tocando bateria
  • Autores: Dann
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 112
  • Data de Inclusão: 04/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 4.433 KB

The bass drum is the foundation of the drumset. The basic function of the bass drum is to state the beat or pulse of the song. The BASS DRUM is played with the bass drum pedal by the right foot. The bass drum pedal beater should rebound off of the bass drum head like a bouncing ball. Properly adjusting the angle of the bass drum pedal beater is important to playing comfortably. In general, angling the beater around the 2 o'clock position is a good place to start. After the pedal is attached to the bass drum, position yourself so that your right knee is bent at a slightly greater than 90 degree angle when your foot is on the pedal

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