Apostila de Bateria 51

Apostila de Bateria 51

1.352 visualizações 79 downloads


  • Categoria: Bateria
  • Assuntos: Afinando sua Bateria, Baquetas, Bateria, Drums, Notas, Notas Musicais, Partes da Bateria, Partituras, Peças da Bateria, Pentagrama Musical
  • Autores: desconhecido
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 18
  • Data de Inclusão: 05/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 4.355 KB

The best place to start is at your local drum shop or music store. The beginner will need a standard five piece kit with hardware and some cymbals. • The five pieces refer to the drums themselves, which includes a Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Small Tom (also called a High Tom), Medium Tom, and Floor Tom. • The Hardware refers to the stands and pedals of the kit, and should include a stool, snare drum stand, bass drum pedal, Hi-Hat stand, and two cymbal stands.

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