Autocad 2012

Autocad 2012

1.745 visualizações 61 downloads


  • Categoria: AutoCad
  • Assuntos: Apostila de Autocad, Autocad, Autocad 2013, Autocad 2D, Autocad 3D, Básico de Autocad, Comandos do Autocad, Conceitos iniciais de autocad, Curso de Autocad, Exercícios de Autocad
  • Autores: SDCpublications, SHAWNA LOCKHART
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 37
  • Data de Inclusão: 16/07/2015
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 5.010 KB

You usually create drawings by combining and modifying several different basic shapes called primitives, such as lines, circles, and arcs, to create more complex shapes. This tutorial will help you learn how to use the AutoCAD® software to draw some of the most common basic shapes. As you work through the tutorial, keep in mind that one of the advantages of using CAD over drawing on paper is that you are creating an accurate model of the drawing geometry. In Tutorial 3, you will learn to list information from the drawing database. Information extracted from the drawing is accurate only if you created the drawing accurately in the first place.

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