J2ME & Gaming

J2ME & Gaming

1.836 visualizações 74 downloads


  • Categoria: Design, Programação
  • Autores: Jason Lam
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 219
  • Data de Inclusão: 04/07/2015
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 4.048 KB

Welcome to the world of mobile gaming. The first section (Chapter 1 to Chapter 5) will briefly introduce to you: - What the mobile gaming industry is about - What tools are available for you to get started in developing your own mobile game - Constraints you will face in developing mobile games - Game Design and Development Process considerations Afterwards the remaining chapters will walk you through a basic game tutorial, albeit the game itself isn’t ground breaking, it does serve the purpose of introducing what makes up a game and more specifically a mobile game using J2ME. As well aside from the game itself it goes through several other important areas of mobile development such as the interface design of a game menu.

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