Piano Básico

Piano Básico

2.291 visualizações 452 downloads


  • Categoria: Piano
  • Assuntos: Escala de Dó, Escalas, Jazz, Modos de escalas, Pedals, Piano, Piano Básico, Rock
  • Autores: desconhecido
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 126
  • Data de Inclusão: 10/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 2.773 KB

We believe that our piano tutor will attract 2 kinds of students; the beginners with very little musical training and the musicians with e.g. guitar, sax or drums as their main instrument and a need for the piano for rehearsing and working with arrangements. The musician already proficient in music theory may skip parts of the 2nd chapter, but the musician with no theoretical background and no knowledge of note reading must learn the basic notes and theory properly, which means that you will have to learn to read notes, before you can play the piano.

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