Fundamentos de Piano

Fundamentos de Piano

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  • Categoria: Piano
  • Assuntos: Acordes, Campo Harmônico, Escalas, Fundamentos do Piano, Notas, Pedal para piano, Piano, Prática de Piano
  • Autores: Mlle. Yvonne Combe
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 176
  • Data de Inclusão: 11/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 2.276 KB

The material of Chapter One originated from my notes on how the late Mlle. Yvonne Combe taught our daughters. Mlle. Combe was Debussy's disciple and helped transcribe his new compositions as he played them out on the piano. She performed that incredible Second Piano Concerto by Saint-Saëns with the composer conducting. All who attended recitals by her students were mesmerized. This book had to be written: without it, her passing would have deprived us of a world treasure

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