Arranjos para Piano em Grupo

Arranjos para Piano em Grupo

1.999 visualizações 186 downloads


  • Categoria: Piano
  • Assuntos: Arranjos, Notas, Notas Musicais, Partituras, pedagogia do piano, Piano, Piano em Grupo
  • Autores: Gisele Andrea
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 0
  • Data de Inclusão: 11/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 4.701 KB

Dear pianist, You are going to play the 3 Easy Pieces which I composed in 2010. Maybe you think they aren't easy, maybe you are right... I made it more easy for you as a pianist by leaving out dynamics. You have to make them up yourself. Put in a lot of expression, that's what I like. Now, go on studying and I think you'll succeed to play the pieces, all three of them. Sjoerd van Dongen The composer.

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