Apostila de Bateria 57

Apostila de Bateria 57

1.068 visualizações 94 downloads


  • Categoria: Bateria
  • Autores: desconhecido
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 76
  • Data de Inclusão: 05/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 3.456 KB

You will need the equivalent of the basic acoustic drum sounds (see two previous pages), so a set of three or four pads will be necessary in place of the corresponding acoustic drums. Cords are plugged into output iacks on the pads which connect to a "brain." The brain is the synthesizer that creates the various sounds triggered by playing on the pads. The brain coÍrnects to an amplifier, which in tum is connected to headphones or speakers in order to hear the sounds. Cymbals will be the same as an acoustic setup (though if you're really into an electronic sound, the cymbals may be pads too). Harrdware will differ only where the pads are concemed, but will fun«ion similarly. A rug or mar is srill recomm'ended, and choice of sticks is the same for boó electronic and acoustic drums, although plastic+ipped sticks will have no effect if pads are use for cymbal sounds.

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