Apostila de Bateria 35

Apostila de Bateria 35

1.837 visualizações 171 downloads


  • Categoria: Bateria
  • Assuntos: Bateria, Drums, Guia de Bateria
  • Autores: rockschool
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 30
  • Data de Inclusão: 05/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 1.648 KB

Welcome to the Rockschool 2012-2018 syllabus for Drums. This syllabus guide is designed to give teachers, learners and candidates practical information on the graded examinations run by Rockschool. The Rockschool website, www.rockschool.co.uk has detailed information on all aspects of our examinations, including examination regulations, detailed marking schemes and assessment criteria as well as notated and audio examples to help you prepare for the examination.

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