Apostila de Bateria 22

Apostila de Bateria 22

1.240 visualizações 62 downloads


  • Categoria: Bateria
  • Assuntos: Acordes, Bateria, Cifra, Drums, Música, Notas, Notas Musicais, Percurssão, Prática em Bateria
  • Autores: desconhecido
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 4
  • Data de Inclusão: 05/01/2017
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 634 KB

Practice pads are rubberised discs, that are placed on the top of the drum skins, and cymbals. The centre section responds to the drumstick with a similar feel & bounce as the actual drum head. The practice pad set can reduce the sound output of the drum set and cymbals by up to 90% (manufacturers claim). In addition a large pillow or old duvet can be placed inside the bass drum to deaden its sound.

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